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Apprenticeship Success: James Bradbury

Apprenticeship Success: James Bradbury

Job Title: Team Leader
Employer:  Hörmann UK Ltd
Quote: “Thank you EDN for opening my mind to think about how behaviours can have positive and negative impacts on the team and the company.”

Why an apprenticeship?

I am a Team Leader of 16 people and have worked for Hörmann for nine years. I organise the day-to-day staff rotation to ensure we meet the demand of lorries being loaded and unloaded. I’m also responsible for stock and making sure it is put away correctly. When my manager approached me with the opportunity to take part in this apprenticeship, I thought it was a fantastic opportunity to develop my management skills. At first, the training was a lot to take in but as I got into it, it all made sense and quickly became relatable to my role.

Benefitting my business

Apprenticeship success story

As a team leader, my approach to certain scenarios and challenging moments have definitely improved. I have gained the knowledge and confidence to follow through with a decision or an idea and monitor its progress. Whether it’s a tough decision or seems complex, the tools I have learnt makes it a lot easier to action. So far, I have developed these new skills in team briefs, open speaking and in ways to manage my time better and get things done more efficiently.

The EDN difference

My employer has given me the time and resources during the apprenticeship to complete the tasks set out and has been there if needed. My EDN Vocational Trainer Linda has been very supportive, and we have communicated well. At times when I haven’t been able to make a meeting for a particular reason, she has always adapted her schedule to fit me in. 

EDN has given me the confidence in my ability to lead a team of people from diverse backgrounds, beliefs and characters. The training has also taught me how to plan things, discuss and follow through an idea to the best of my ability and to monitor progress. Thank you EDN for opening my mind to think about different scenarios in other ways and from different angles, and how behaviours can have both a positive and negative impact on the team and the company.